Babylon became one of the most important city in the time of the ancient Middle East when Hammurabi (1792-1750 BC) made it the capital of the kingdom of Babylon.
Literature Babylonians built very nice and cuneiform records have been found indicate the religion, history and science is highly developed.
Medicine, chemistry, alchemy, botany, mathematics and astronomy are also practiced. Religions and ancient writings that shaped cuneiform is derived from the older culture Sumer.
They also developed an abstract form of writing based on the symbol cuneiform (wedge shaped). This article was written on wet clay and baked in the sun.
"Tales of creation" Babylonians written in seven sheets of clay and displayed and read in the New Year festival in Babylon.
These sheets of God tells about the success of City of Babylon, Marduk Marduk and how it can be a supreme god, the king of all gods in heaven and earth.
Babylonians had a number of more advanced system than we have now, with a basic system with 60 positions.
They also create a table to assist in the calculation process. They share the same day as we now do, 24 hours and 60 minutes for every hour and every minute 60 seconds.
This Babylonian customs influence the Assyrian nation and contributed to the history of the Middle East and Western Europe in the future.
Babylon's decline and fall into anarchy around 1180 BC, but then grew again as part of the State of the Assyrian empire after the 9th century BC.
Finally destroyed Babylon in 689 BC by the Assyrians under the leadership of SennaCherib, but re-built again.
Nabopolassar founded what is now known as the Chaldean or New Babylonian Empire in 625 BC, and finally reached her golden age under the reign of Nebuchadnezzar (604-562 BC).
The glory and splendor of Babylon became famous and legendary ride from his throne Nebuchadnezzar, who is believed to be the founder of Garden of Babylon Dependent.
In the year 600 BC, a king of Babylon looked pensively sitting thinking of the big problems.
New empress was 2 days in a state of melancholy and sad. Sometimes not eating and minum.Biarpun dipujuk mahu many times, but the queen was named Amuhia, still silent and be cool.
Finally after a lady's maid disiasat by kings, then Bukhtannasar (Nebuchadnezzar II) to the bottom of his new wife was cold.
His wife's hometown merindui far. Then after that the king of Babylon Bukhtannasar ordered expeditions to the East to the archipelago to take the seeds of trees and flower seeds selected for planting in the garden designed by him great.
Who is the mystery girl named Amuhia this? Why the great king of Babylon Babylon hanging Parks could develop solely for the planting her favorite flowers of this mystery? This mystery girl thought to have come from the archipelago.
Flowers, haruman and fragrances is one feature of the archipelago nation.
This archipelago nation since ancient era produces fragrances for the purpose perubatan, mystical or mystery sesuatu.Bangsa mengawet but to use the flowers, and often also use herbs to perfume the room of the house or hall.
In ancient times when European traders had bekalan spices from India and Arab traders, they tertanya wondering from where Arab and Indian traders are bekalan acquire this herb in large numbers.
This made them try to find the source of all these hundreds of spices and hope to master the place where the spice is found.
Spices are an essential ingredient in the mystical life in the palace of Pharaoh and the monks of ancient Judea.
The magicians of Pharaoh sometimes spices sprinkled on the offering of their magic kerana smell the fragrant spices and scented created a sensation and dreaming; help them work their magic.
The monks Judea (the ancient Jewish kingdom, but the kingdom of Samaria) often burn incense; one of the spice mixture in the form of sap pepejal to complete their rituals.
Principal Frankincense (Styrax benzoin Dryand) is a principal that is usually found in the Pharaoh's Island Melayu.Sebab in rahsia importing spices and incense-hundred of the Malay Archipelago.
At the Temple Hatshepshut, there are stories engraved shipping Pharaoh delegates to the archipelago, and there were carving big trees very rendang as well as on the principal Teak, keruing or Merapoh.
Large trees are also brought to Egypt for planting in sememangnya sana.Kemenyan and spices known only found from the archipelago.
His wife or his mistress was very fond of the area surrounded by mountains. Since then the park depends, one of the seven wonders of the world is estimated to exist.
In Babylonian literature, there were no recorded history of the park depends, and a very descriptive report comes from the Greek historians.
In the clay sheets from the period of Nebuchadnezzar, a description of the palace, the city of Babylon and its walls are found, but none of these references are found to depend on the park.
Some historians believe that the legend of the park is just a story relies on a mixture of garden and palm trees at Mesopotamia, the palace of Nebuchadnezzar, the tower of Babel, and ziggurats Alexander told by the soldiers when they return home.
In this century, some structures that are part of the park is expected to rely discovered. Archeologists are collecting evidence to reach conclusions about the location of the park, irrigasinya system, and the original form.
The source of the Greeks said that the park relies shaped quadrangular, each side of length 4 plethora, consists of arched vaults in its foundation.
This garden has plants cultivated above ground, and the roots of these plants on the patio attached to the top, not inside the earth.
The whole mass is supported by the Colom rocks. Water is pumped up and allowed to flow down the slopes, watering the plants.
Recent Archaeology excavations discovered the foundations of the palace of Nebuchadnezzar. Other findings that support the park under the building relies included with thick walls and irrigation near the southern palace.
Archeologist group did a survey in the southern palace and reconstructed the park under the building as a dependent. Greek historian, Strabo, said that the park is located on the river Euphrates dependent.
Others argue that the location is very far from the river Euphrates is based on findings from underneath the building which is located a few hundred yards from the river.
Place its being the palace has been reconstructed and is expected to depend park area stretching from the river to the palace.
Massive walls, 25 feet thick, was recently discovered on the riverbank, which is likely to form the terrace steps described in Greek references.
Until now, the legend Depending Park still can not clear the truth and still not be said also that only fairy tales. Archeologist still trying to find evidence of the time Nebuchadnezzar.
In the year 538 BC, the last leader of Babylon surrendered to Cyrus the Great of Persia. And this is a sign of the end of the Chaldean and Babylonian dynasties.Waoow, the place is amazing .. :)
( zeta art productions )
komEntARR aP YA...
bLog Qm SUdaH Bgus ,, cerITA Nya puN Ckup mEmukAu..
lanjUTTkann nDI....
GaG NyONGkoo AQW...
KOncO qw ISoo ngnE BereNG ecH...
ehmm ia..
kuraNG saTUU LaGII...
KaLO BIsa gMBR"XA d TMBhiN..
N d pERJelASS..
(komentar qw xg tdi loem takk ksih nma..) so'alxa.. terbru"..)
Oke gan.....
thank atas saranya,mungking untuk postingan mendatang saya akan memperbanyak gambar penjelas yang ada....;-)
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