
The Discovery of Noah's Ark

        It is said, about 4,800 years ago, flash floods hit the Earth. Before the disaster occurred, Noah - the prophet of three religions, Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, given the revelations to make a big ship - to save humanity and the Earth's other creatures.
The story of Noah's ark in various books, films and others. Some historians from various countries had long been curious about the truth of this story. 

To prove the truth of that story, a group of researchers from China and Turkey joined in 'Noah's Ark Ministries International' for years to find the remains of the legendary boat.
Yesterday, 26 April 2010 they announced they found Noah's boat in Turkey. They claim to find the remains of Noah's boat was at an altitude of 4,000 meters on Mount Ararat or Mount Agri, eastern Turkey. 

They even claim to have entered into a boat, take a photo and a few specimens to prove their claims. According to the researchers, they took specimens have carbon age of 4,800 years, matched with what is described in history. If their claim is true, researchers have found that Evangelicals most famous boats in history

        We're not 100 percent sure that this is the boat of Noah, but we have 99 percent confidence," said one team member in charge of making a documentary, Yeung Wing, as published by the Turkish news website, National Turk, 27 April 2010.
Specimens of the findings of researchers at the Ararat Turkey and China
The group consists of 15 people from Hong Kong and Turkey attended the press conference held last Monday, April 26, 2010.
The media were present at the time, they also exhibit the fossil specimen suspected ship Noah's boat, a mine, nails, and wood fragments.
As the researchers explained, the mine and allegedly used to nail the wood together until a ship. Mine is also used to tie the animals were saved from the brunt of flood - as well as pieces of wood that made insulated to maintain the security of the animals.
This great discovery was to be ammunition to push the Turkish government to register the site to UNESCO - UN agencies in order to preserve the boat of Noah.
Initially, archaeologists will dig direncananya boat and separating it from the mountain. However, it is not possible, despite the historical value of this discovery is very high. 

Mount Ararat, the location of the discovery of Noah's boat Believed, when the waters receded, Noah's ark was in the Mt. Although the three major religions preach the miracle of the Prophet Noah, there was no explanation at all, exactly where the boat was completing his mission. Since a long time local residents living in the mountains of Turkey and other cities believe that Noah's boat on Mount Ararat. Moreover, pilot temput Turkey in a NATO mapping mission, said she saw a large object like a boat in Dogubayazit, Turkey.
In 2006, a detailed satellite imagery showed what looked like a ship suspected of Noah's boat is a snow-covered mountain. 

Some other experts argue that the remains of Noah's ark to be part of human settlements - which survived the flood disaster flood. However, researchers who claimed the inventor of the boat Noah denied. "We never found any man who lived at an altitude of 3,500 meters in the history of mankind." 
Very cold weather at an altitude of 4,000 meters was the inventor of Noah's ark is believed to maintain the condition for thousands of years.

This is the greatest invention in the world archaeologists, it is amazing .. :)

( Zeta Art Producion's )


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